MANILA, Philippines—A former law partner used to half-joke about the “power of the mind.” When trying to find parking in or around Makati City Hall. While we were almost late to the court hearing.
The creepy part is that—it works!
Because Tony Robbins just reminded me of that.
Tony Robbins explains how to make a desire enter your unconscious mind in order to manifest it
— Historic Vids (@historyinmemes) June 13, 2024
“As a Man Thinketh”
Written by James Allen and first published in 1903, “As a Man Thinketh” is a literary essay that explores the power of thought and its influence on a person's life. The title is inspired by a biblical proverb, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” The book emphasizes the idea that thoughts are powerful forces that shape an individual's character, circumstances, and destiny.
“Think and Grow Rich”
“Think and Grow Rich” is a book by Napoleon Hill, first published in 1937. It is one of the best-selling self-help books of all time. Hill's work is based on his study of successful individuals, including Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, and Thomas Edison. Hill emphasizes the importance of the power of the subconscious mind in achieving personal success.
In the World of Co-ops, there is one of those many things that was mentally willed into existence: CoopPay, the world’s first Lightning wallet for cooperatives.
CoopPay is still playing in my subsconscious.
About Lyman Manzanares, Esq.
Founder and CEO, Founding and managing partner, Manzanares & Partners Law Offices, est. 2011. A lawyer based in Makati City, Philippines, he is a Lifetime Member of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines, Makati City Chapter, and the Philippine Bar Association. He graduated from the U.P. College of Law in 2004 and has been involved in various legal cases and discussions, particularly in the realm of commercial and cooperative law. He has provided insights into the world of jurisprudence and law through a platform called “A Case A Day,” where he discusses new cases and updates on different areas of interest such as criminal law, civil and family law, commercial law, and technology law.
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