First, let's get this out of the way: this is a delightful discovery. This cooperative has a well-built and well-designed website. Typography, they get it.
Happy Cooperative Month to all Super Cooperators!
According to a study by the European Commission, freight transport accounts for 25% of CO2 emissions and 13% of road congestion in cities. Moreover, the demand for urban logistics is expected to increase by 40% by 2030, which will further worsen the environmental and social impacts.
Fortunately, there is a way to reduce these negative effects while providing a reliable and efficient service: bicycle transport.
This is the idea behind Toutenvélo, a network of cooperatives that specialize in bicycle transport. Toutenvélo was born in Rennes in 2012 and has since expanded to more than 10 cities in France, offering various services such as deliveries, waste collection, moving, advertising, and training.
Toutenvélo uses electric bikes and trailers that can carry up to 300 kg of cargo, allowing them to operate in city centers with agility and flexibility.
By using bicycles instead of cars or vans, Toutenvélo reduces CO2 emissions, noise pollution, and road accidents. In addition, Toutenvélo contributes to the social and economic development of the territories where it operates, by creating local jobs, promoting social inclusion, and supporting local businesses.
Toutenvélo is not only a service provider, but also a cooperative project that values democracy, solidarity, and sustainability. All the structures of Toutenvélo are owned by their employees, who have an equal say in the management and decision-making processes. Toutenvélo is also part of the social and solidarity economy (SSE), which aims to reconcile economic activity with social and environmental objectives.
1Coop Marketplace can take great inspiration from Toutenvélo.
1Coop Marketplace is a mobile application where farmers can sell their farm products online. 1Coop Marketplace, a project currently led by FICCO — the largest community cooperative in the Philippines and considered to be the model of model cooperatives in governance, growth and development, aims to connect farmers with consumers directly, eliminating middlemen and increasing the income of the farmers. 1Coop Marketplace also offers a convenient and hassle-free delivery service of fresh produce to customers.

Here are some valuable insights that 1Coop Marketplace can take from Toutenvélo:
- Toutenvélo shows that bicycle transport is a viable and competitive alternative to conventional modes of transport, especially in urban areas where traffic congestion and pollution are major problems. 1Coop Marketplace can explore the possibility of using bicycles or other eco-friendly vehicles to deliver their farm products, which can reduce their environmental impact and operational costs.
- Toutenvélo demonstrates that cooperatives can offer a wide range of services that cater to different sectors and markets, such as deliveries, waste collection, moving, advertising, and training. 1Coop Marketplace can diversify their offerings by providing other services that are related to agriculture or food, such as processing, packaging, catering, or education.
- Toutenvélo exemplifies that cooperatives can leverage the power of technology to enhance their efficiency and reach. Toutenvélo uses electric bikes and trailers that can carry heavy loads, as well as a web platform that allows customers to place orders and track deliveries. 1Coop Marketplace can also use technology to improve its operations and customer experience, such as using mobile apps, GPS, QR codes, or Lightning Network-based payment systems like CoopPay.
Before I forget, toutenvélo is French expression for “all by bike.”
Toutenvélo is more than just a bike courier company. It is a vision of a more sustainable, fair, and human way of doing urban logistics.
And it is a cooperative!