Lightning Network
GCash ‘Telco’ to ‘Techno’ growth meant reaching over 50 million users and processing over $30 billion in transactions in 2023. It offers money transfer, lending, investment, insurance, bitcoin, and lifestyle services.
Titled “Driving Innovation: Exploring the Potential of a Bitcoin Car-Wallet for Autonomous Vehicles,” the thesis is lovingly dedicated “To those who live to be free.”
In your journey as a bitcoiner, studying is the most important aspect. If you were “iskul bukol” in school, turn back now. Or, you can re-think your life, and watch a movie first.
1CISP can adopt a customer-centric and agile approach to product development and delivery. 1CISP can also collaborate with fintech players and regulators to create a conducive ecosystem for embedded insurance innovation.
The only Lightning guide that cooperators and cooperatives will ever need (tongue-in-cheek)
CoopPay is an example of how cooperatives can leverage QR Ph and other emerging technologies to create a unified financial value chain that can benefit their members and communities.