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Co-operative Knowledgebase

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Why Co-operatives should say ‘Hell, No!’ to  ‘Shitcoins’
Why Co-operatives should say ‘Hell, No!’ to ‘Shitcoins’

Choose, the rule of governments printing money out of thin air or being a slave to shitcoiners printing mickey mouse money in the dark corners of the internet?

by BitcoinPilipinas.com
Why a bitcoin-first co-op will outperform traditional companies
Why a bitcoin-first co-op will outperform traditional companies

Former Solicitor General Florin T. Hilbay cannot be more clear when he refers to inflation as the “rate of decay of your currency” and “the creeping death of the value of your labor.”

by BitcoinPilipinas.com
Race to organize the first Cooperative on the Bitcoin Standard
Race to organize the first Cooperative on the Bitcoin Standard

The first co-operative to be built on the Bitcoin Standard will not only be pioneering in cooperative economics, but also represent a new epoch similar to 1844’s Rochdale Pioneers.

by BitcoinPilipinas.com
International co-operative sector ‘snoring’ on bitcoin
International co-operative sector ‘snoring’ on bitcoin

Apart from being the best-performing asset class of the past 10 years, Bitcoin is the most evolved form of cooperation: trustless, decentralized, and governed by math. But the international co-operative sector was asleep at the wheel and got left by the bus.

by BitcoinPilipinas.com
WCM Cup: SG vs. Malaysia 2-1
WCM Cup: SG vs. Malaysia 2-1

The data collection for WCM is vital for the cooperative movement, providing tools for self-evaluation and emphasizing the importance of cooperation globally

by BitcoinPilipinas.com
Bloody Coop 300!
Bloody Coop 300!

The 2023 edition of WCM dives into the tangible benefits provided to members and explores how these enterprises communicate their cooperative identity and advantage.

by BitcoinPilipinas.com
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