Bitcoin for Cooperatives
The block height is just a way to count how many blocks there are in the blockchain, starting from the very first one. It's like counting steps as you walk up a staircase.
Bitcoin miners compete to solve math puzzles to earn the right to add a block to the chain of blocks called the blockchain, a decentralized ledger that records all bitcoin transactions. But The Great Yan explains it 21X better.
A bitcoin node stores a complete record of all bitcoin transactions ever made. This record is essential for verifying transactions and ensuring the security and decentralization of the bitcoin network.
The title of this post is in quotes. It is the title of the keynote in the recently concluded BTC Prague 2024. Based on the beauty of Anil’s work, no other conclusion can be made: when it comes to bitcoin education, he is the best of the best.
The ETF operates by pooling money from investors to buy Bitcoin, which is then stored securely by the fund. Shares of the ETF are traded on stock exchanges, just like shares of other publicly traded companies or commodities.
Since CoopPay is a Lightning wallet itself, the easiest way to try Nostr today is to use CoopPay.