Sec. 1 Short Title

Sec. 2 Declaration of Policy

Sec. 3 Definition of Terms

Sec. 4 Powers, Functions and Responsibilities of the Authority

Sec. 5 The Board of Directors

Sec. 6 Composition of the Board of Directors

Sec. 7 Qualifications of the Chairperson and the Members of the Board

Sec. 8 Powers of the Board of Directors

Sec. 9 The Cooperative Development Authority

Sec. 10 Office of the Authority

Sec. 11 Registration of Cooperatives

Sec. 12 Certificate of Registration

Sec. 13 Revocation of Certificate of Registration

Sec. 14 Dissolution of Cooperatives

Sec. 15 Prohibition

Sec. 16 Settlement of Disputes

Sec. 17 Training Standards for Cooperative Officers and Members

Sec. 18 Partnership with the Cooperative Sector

Sec. 19 Cooperatives in the Education System

Sec. 20 Cooperatives in the Agriculture Sector and Fishery Sector

Sec. 21 Cooperatives in the Banking System

Sec. 22 Cooperatives Engaged in Services Covered by Other Laws

Sec. 23 Reorganization of the Authority

Sec. 24 Transitory Provisions

Sec. 25 Final Provisions

Sec. 26 Implementing Rules and Regulations

Sec. 27 Information Campaign

Sec. 28 The Joint Congressional Oversight Committee on Cooperatives (JCOCC)

Sec. 29 Repealing Clause

Sec. 30 Separability Clause

Sec. 31 Effectivity