Not really. But maybe. Read on.
Apologies to one of my cooperative chairpersons who's a vegetarian, but I love my ribeye steak. It's a great food hack. You're full for the whole day. No cravings for sugar. Protein source. Quick and easy to prepare. Relatively cheap since you don't have to eat 3X a day, unless your definition of steak is "imported" meat.
I learned about the ills of seed oils. Scrap these from your grocery list! So I started using butter to make steak.
Butter is produced by churning cream until it separates into solid and liquid parts. The solid part is the butter and the liquid part is the buttermilk. There are also other steps involved such as pasteurization, cooling, washing, salting and packaging.
I also butter my morning brew. If you haven't, try it and let me know!
Butter coffee is a drink that involves adding butter and sometimes other ingredients, such as coconut oil or MCT oil, to brewed coffee. Some people claim that butter coffee can provide sustained energy, mental clarity, appetite suppression and weight loss benefits, especially for those following a low-carb or ketogenic diet.
With my steak, I make a little siding of cheese, e.g. cheddar.
Cheese is produced by using milk, bacterial culture and rennet to form curds that are separated from the whey. The curds are then salted, shaped and aged to make different varieties of cheese.
Because I read some years back from a book that we need to take care of our gut.
Cheese can be good for the gut because it contains probiotics, the good bacteria that can maintain or help achieve a healthy gut microbiome. Probiotics can improve digestion, immunity and overall health.
Of course, for butter and/or cheese moderation is key. Meaning, don't eat it like you do with junk food, gobbling it like it's the end of the world, when you're simply wasting the weekend on mind-bending lessons from Netflix. Also consult your doctor before adding butter or cheese, if you have any medical conditions or allergies.
I can't tell you anything more about steak, except that it's a great life hack to be able to do it properly. The quicker you cook, the better. Don't use non-stick pans. Ever.
But I'd like to talk about Arla.
Because of all the butter and all the cheese I've tried, Arla has something special, it seems. I'm not messing with you. And this is not a sponsored post. Or, not yet, haha. For some reason, Arla tastes nice and it doesn't make my stomach churn in the morning.
Being a fan of cooperative brands, I knew Arla was a cooperative brand before I actually tasted and tried anything Arla. Before I saw it in the grocery for the first time.
Was I driven by bias?
Arla is a dairy company that was formed by the merger of a Swedish and a Danish dairy cooperative in 2000. The name Arla comes from an archaic Swedish word that means "early (in the morning)". It was originally chosen as the name of the Swedish cooperative because one of its founding members was a farm called Stora Arla gård, which means “Great Arla Farm” in Swedish.
If you love dairy products, you probably have heard of this farmer-owned dairy company before me.
Are you ready to be milked? Arla has automated cheese production and milking processes at its factory in Taulov, Denmark, where robots monitor the quality, temperature and acidity of the cheese, and use sensors to detect when the cows are ready to be milked.
Arla’s origin story and founding can be traced back to the late 19th century when dairy farmers in Sweden and Denmark formed small cooperatives to invest in common dairy production facilities. The first cooperative dairy was established in Sweden at Stora Arla Gård in Västmanland in 1881 under the name of Arla Mejeriförening. Arla Foods was formed as the result of a merger between the Swedish dairy cooperative Arla and the Danish dairy company MD Foods on 17 April 2000. Arla Foods’ links with the UK began at the turn of the century when Lurpak butter was introduced to the UK market.
Milk futures! Estimating how much milk 1.5 million cows belonging to 10,300 farmers will provide in the future, by using AI software that analyzes data such as seasonal changes, the number of farmers converting to new milk types, the farmers’ geographical characteristics and their daily milk production.
Today, we are seeing the burgeoning of cooperative marketplaces.
We have 1Coop Marketplace being incubated by FICCO and focused on farmer-produced vegetables, fruits and other agricultural products in Mindanao.

We also have The Co-operative Exchange aiming to import the best cooperative brands from abroad and export the best cooperative brands in the Philippines.

I would be delighted to see Arla products in either or both soon!
For now, let's lurk, wait, and rest with the thought that Arla is one of the best, if not the best, dairy company in the world.
I am biased. But let me re/count the ways.
Arla is a cooperative, which means that it is owned by the farmers who supply the milk. This means that they have a direct say in how the company is run and how the profits are shared. They also have a strong commitment to animal welfare, environmental sustainability and quality standards.
Arla is a global leader in dairy innovation, offering a wide range of products that cater to different tastes, needs and preferences. Whether you are looking for cheese, butter, yogurt, milk, cream or plant-based alternatives, Arla has something for you. You can also find Arla products under well-known brands such as Lurpak, Castello, Puck and Starbucks.
Arla is on a journey towards a sustainable future for dairy, aiming to become carbon net zero by 2050 and reduce its emissions by 30% by 2030. Arla is also working to improve biodiversity, water efficiency and circularity on its farms and in its production sites.
So there you have it. Arla is not only a great dairy company, but also a great partner for your health, your taste buds and your planet. If you want to learn more about Arla, visit their website or follow them on social media. And don’t forget to enjoy their products with a smile! 😊