This takes the ideas and insights from and expands the Little Cooperator’s Savings Program further, but this time just focusing on bitcoin.

Mechanics and Step-by-Step Instructions
🚀 Program Overview:
- The ‘Bitcoin Kids’ program teaches savings, thrift, and patience and introduces kids to the values and philosophy of bitcoin. Progress and program updates will be shared regularly here exclusively in Chat MPC at*
👫 Enrollment:
- Initially, 5 kids - Franco (9), King (11), Siah (13), Steve (15), and Jasmine (16) - will join. There shall be 21 kids as the program progresses.
💰 Weekly Savings:
- Kids will save 21 to 63 pesos weekly in bitcoin using the Lightning open protocol.
⚡ Wallet System:
- Kids will use CoopPay Lightning wallet to hold pesos and Blink Lightning wallet to convert pesos and save in bitcoin.
🤝 Matching System:
- Bitcoin Kids program will match 1:1 for every 21 to 63 pesos saved by the kids.
👧👦 Matching Big Brothers:
- Little Kids will be matched with Big Brothers and Big Sisters through the program, fostering friendship bonds, mentorship and support.
📸 Monitoring Savings:
- Savings will be monitored through wallet screenshots, ensuring transparency, commitment, and accountability.
🏆 Bonus Incentives:
- 1:1 Matching Bonus: For each peso saved, the program matches another peso.
- Consistency Bonus: Additional rewards for consistent savings.
- Thrift Bonus: Bonuses for developing habits of thrift.
- Excellence Bonus: Recognizing school excellence in grades and extracurricular activities.
- Entrepreneurial Curiosity Bonus: Rewards for showing entrepreneurial curiosity.
- Manners and Conduct Bonus: Acknowledging good manners and right conduct.
🌟 Exciting Details:
- Periodic exciting challenges and events to keep the program engaging.
- Exclusive interviews and features of the kids' progress on Chat MPC.
✨ Long-Term Goals:
- Providing a replicable template for similar programs globally.
- Encouraging a cooperative spirit and tech innovation.
👏 How to Participate or Implement:
- When we expand Bitcoin Kids, parents or guardians can nominate their kids by visiting Chat MPC or contacting the Bitcoin Kids team.
- We will also open source our processes and materials so you can implement Bitcoin kids wherever you are!
🔍 Stay Updated:
- Regular updates, stories, and achievements to be featured here exclusively in Chat MPC.

*Chat MPC is a cooperative news publication focused on tech innovation, adventures in AI, and how tools of rebellion make the world a better place for children of cooperation. It aims to be the most cutting-edge cooperative news publication in the world.